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“We have the power to determine and create the momentum ourselves!”

Supervision of professional athletes

  • Anamnesis interview

  • Regular video calls to discuss training content 

  • Sport-specific training planning

  • Individualized mobilization planning

  • Control of recovery phases

  • Stress monitoring

  • Individualized nutrition guide

  • Systemic online coaching (dissolving fears and blockages)

  • Help with injuries or physical limitations

  • Personal support


From my own experience, I know what it means to entrust your own body to someone else as an elite athlete. Your body is your capital and also a big part of your identity. I will honor this trust and stand by you to the best of my ability with my expertise and heart!

The holistic approach

When we look at the top of any sport, we see that most athletes are almost fully trained and perfectly prepared for the specific physical demands. Comprehensive physical preparation not only promises immediate success but is also crucial for a long-lasting career and reduced risk of injury. However, even a completely trained athlete can only access their individual 100% if the body and mind work harmoniously together and are aligned.

My goal as a coach is to help you be able to access your 100% at all times, regardless of external factors or influences! Together, we will work on aligning your body and mind, allowing you to reach your full potential in training as well as in competition. We elevate your body and mind to the next level.

You are the creator of your own success and flow!

Thank you for your trust!

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